Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ IV)

Author(s) : Dr. Fredrick Schrank, Dr. Nancy Mather, Dr. Kevin McGrew, Barbara Wendling and Dr. Richard W. Woodcock

Publisher : Riverside Insights, 2014


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WJ IV Cognitive Battery Kit (with case)

SKU : 999WCJ

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WJ IV Complete Kit (Achievement Form A & Cognitive, with case)

SKU : 992WCJ

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WJ IV Complete Kit (Achievement Form B & Cognitive, with case)

SKU : 993WCJ

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WJ IV Achievement Form A Kit (with case)

SKU : 995WCJ

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Please note: This is the US Published WJ IV - US Normative Data only.

A comprehensive assessment system on the cutting edge of clinical practice.

The Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ IV) system is structured to offer the ease of use and flexibility that examiners need to accurately evaluate learning problems for children and adults in a way that no other assessment solution can.

  • Facilitate exploration of strengths and weaknesses across cognitive, oral language, and academic abilities
  • Batteries can be used in conjunction with one another or as standalone assessments
  • Clusters engineered to provide the most diagnostically useful interpretations
  • Simplified and reframed procedures for evaluating ability/achievement comparisons and intra-ability variations
  • Expanded focus beyond the original broad CHC theory that was the foundation for the WJ III®

Woodcock-Johnson® IV (WJ Batteries)

Qualification: Specialist (S)
Ages: 2 - 90+
Time (Per Subtest): 5 - 10 mins

The Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Achievement (WJ IV™ ACH) are ideal for accurately screening, diagnosing, and monitoring progress in reading, writing, and mathematics achievement with the 11-test standard battery.

The Achievement battery is available in three forms (A, B, C) with parallel content, providing the means to monitor progress two to three times per year once a proficiency level is established and interventions are implemented with a student. The parallel forms also provide flexibility to examiners who wish to alternate the three forms to reduce examinees’ familiarity with test content.

The nine-test extended battery allows for a more in-depth diagnostic assessment of specific strengths and weaknesses.

  • Selective testing: administer only the tests relevant to your referral questions
  • Monitor progress once a proficiency level is established and interventions are implemented
  • Parallel forms prevent examinees from building familiarity with test content

View Tests & Clusters

Qualification: Psychologist (P)/Psychologist under supervision (PS)
Ages: 2 - 90+
Time (Per Subtest): 5 - 10 mins

The Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ IV™ COG) contain the greatest breadth of cognitive abilities of any standardized body of tests. New tests and clusters have been designed to place emphasis on the most useful measures for identifying individuals’ patterns of strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding relative strengths and weaknesses in comparison with the Gf-Gc Composite can lead to individualized instruction designed to target identified learning needs.

  • New Gf-Gc Composite for comparison with other cognitive, oral, and achievement measures
  • All-new working memory, perceptual speed, and phonological processing measures
  • Easy-to-use intracognitive variation procedure allows documentation of cognitive strengths and weaknesses

View Test & Clusters

Qualification: Specialist (S)
Ages: 2 - 90+
Time (Per Subtest): 5 - 10 mins

The Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Oral Language (WJ IV™ OL) can be used to determine and describe an individual’s strengths and weaknesses with regard to expressive language. The 12-test battery consists of nine English tests and three Spanish tests.

The three parallel Spanish tests (Picture Vocabulary, Oral Comprehension, and Understanding Directions) can give teachers a better understanding of the individual’s language abilities in order to make more informed educational placement and instructional decisions.

  • Use independently or in conjunction with the Tests of Achievement / Cognitive Abilities
  • Three parallel Spanish tests help classify language proficiency and ability
  • Compare proficiency on English- and Spanish-language tasks through the Comparative Language Index (CLI)

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Qualification: Psychologist (P)/Psychologist under supervision (PS)
Ages: 2:6 through 7:11
Time (Per Subtest): 5 - 10 mins

One easel, one test record, one hour. That’s all it takes for a complete administration of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development (ECAD®). For examiners with specific referrals, it could take even less.

ECAD features a combination of unique new material and early-form content adapted from trusted Woodcock-Johnson IV tests, offering a dynamic way for examiners to assess emerging cognitive abilities and academic skills in young children and children with cognitive delays using contemporary, theory-based measures.

  • One easel, ten tests: 4 unique to ECAD, and 6 early forms of WJ IV materials
  • Complete assessment clusters for ECAD individually or in any combination
  • Report percent delay, standard deviation delay, and months delay scores

View Tests & Clusters


Scoring & Reporting

All Woodcock-Johnson IV and ECAD scoring is completed in the Riverside Score™ system. Riverside Score provides a secure, web-based environment where examiners can easily enter raw scores, assessment data, and test session observations for any of the assessments listed below.

After entering data, examiners can generate reports for all derived scores and clusters. Reports can be viewed online or downloaded as PDFs, Word documents, or HTML files for easy sharing and offline review.

Dr. Fredrick Schrank, Dr. Nancy Mather, Dr. Kevin McGrew, Barbara Wendling and Dr. Richard W. Woodcock

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