
Thinking Stories 3

Philosophical Inquiry for Children

ISBN13 : 9780868066325

Author(s) : Edited by Philip Cam

Publisher : Hale & Iremonger, 1997

SKU : 576BK

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Thinking Stories 3: Philosophical Inquiry for Children contains seven interconnected stories set in an urban Australian community. Illustrated and told in an easy-to-read style using a child narrator as the 'voice' of each incident, these stories explore issues such as friendship, racism, violence, justice, truth and lies, trust and respect.

This Story Book is used in conjunction with the Teacher Resource.

Dr. Philip Cam is Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Humanities at the University of New South Wales. A sought-after presenter and prolific author in ethics and philosophy, Philip is President of the Federation of Australasian Philosophy in Schools Associations.