
Seven Steps to ICT Integration

ISBN13 : 9780864315175

Author(s) : Margaret Robertson, Ivan Webb & Andrew Fluck

Publisher : ACER Press, 2007

SKU : 0864315171

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Complex ideas related to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in educational settings are interpreted in ways that are pragmatic and sustainable for improved educational outcomes in Seven Steps to ICT Integration.

The ideas and strategies presented in this book are grounded in practical solutions to problems and issues identified in schools and higher education through several years of research.

This book promotes learning that enables readers to construct and reconstruct their own understandings of:

  • Their lived experience in relation to the use of ICT
  • Possibilities for continuation
  • The opportunities for improvement and change
  • The constraints currently limiting initiatives.

Advocating a whole-school approach, Seven Steps to ICT Integration provides research-based case studies on the integration of ICT in practice. These will provide useful insights for schools, TAFEs and local government.

Margaret Robertson, Ivan Webb & Andrew Fluck