Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT)

Author(s) : Cecil R. Reynolds

Publisher : PAR, 2014


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RAIT Professional eManual (+ Fast Guide eManual)

SKU : EP128

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Online RAIT i-Admins (pkg 5)

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Online RAIT Score Reports (pkg 5)

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Online RAIT Abbreviated Battery i-Admins (pkg 5)

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Purpose: Assess crystallised, fluid, and quantitative intelligence

Age: 10-75 years

Time: Full battery: 50 minutes; Crystallised & Fluid subtests: 30 minutes

Administration: Individual or Group

The Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT) is composed of seven subtests that assess crystallised intelligence, fluid intelligence, and quantitative aptitude or intelligence.

Key Features

  • Designed to provide continuity of measurement across a wide age span
  • Requires minimal reading skill and almost no motor coordination and visual-motor skill, reducing the complications that can occur when manipulated objects (e.g., blocks) are used to assess intelligence
  • Two total scores are available based on the subtests administered: The Total Battery Intelligence Index includes quantitative intelligence subtests, and the Total Intelligence Index does not
  • The Score Summary Form allows you to track examinees’ scores over multiple administrations, to calculate reliable change indexes, and to calculate discrepancy scores
  • Online administration and scoring available via PARiConnect

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Cecil R. Reynolds

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