Online DP-4 Clinician Rating Form (pkg 5)

Author(s) : Gerald D. Alpern, PhD

Publisher : WPS, 2020

SKU : E1086

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Qualification required

Purpose: Quickly identify developmental strengths and weaknesses in five key areas and offer suggested activities for remediation
Age: Birth – 21.11
Time: 20–40 minutes

The Developmental Profile™ 4 (DP-4) is a comprehensive assessment instrument with a simple yes-or-no response format that includes 190 test items, each describing a particular skill. The respondent indicates whether or not the child has mastered the skill in question.

Within each of the five scales on the interview form, start and stop rules are used, so you don’t have to administer all items. Each scale has its own norms, so you don’t have to use all five scales if you’re interested in just one area of development. Additionally, there’s an intervention activity for every item.

New Features

  • Upgraded with a broader age range
  • Updated items reflect changes in society, technology, and culture
  • New growth scores monitor progress over time
  • Updated norms based on a new, nationally representative standardisation sample
  • Two new forms (Teacher Checklist and Clinician Rating) strengthen overall evaluation
  • Updated items to accommodate children who are deaf/hard of hearing
  • Four forms offer flexible administration – three forms (Parent/Caregiver Interview, Parent/Caregiver Checklist, and Teacher Checklist) provide standard scores and growth scores.
  • The Clinician Rating form provides growth scores for monitoring progress.

The DP-4 is accessed online via the WPS Online Evaluation System. Using the DP-4 online allows you to access the assessment anywhere, anytime. Score and report instantly, and create customised intervention plans.

Gerald D. Alpern, PhD

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