Online ACER TAR Credit (100+ Credits)

Author(s) : ACER Press

Publisher : ACER Press

SKU : E1118

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The ACER Test of Abstract Reasoning (TAR) is a test of abstract (or non-verbal) reasoning. It is a relatively language-free assessment, used as a measure of general ability for selection into occupations with a moderate to high demand on reasoning and where the ability to think clearly to solve problems is important.

The ACER TAR can be administered as a Short Form (45 items - easier of the two assessments) or a Long Form (60 items - more challenging assessment).

The ACER TAR is able to be administered and scored online via the ACER Psychological Testing Platform (APT). Administrators send a request to their client to complete the assessment online, and are then provided with a concise report. APT provides you with more flexibility - ACER TAR credits can be used for your chosen TAR Assessment (short or long form).

ACER TAR Online Short Form Sample Report

ACER Press

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