Introducing IDS-2

The IDS-2 evaluates the ‘whole child’ by looking at Intelligence, Executive Functions, and General Development.  

With 30 subtests covering six domains, the IDS-2 offers the most comprehensive psychometric diagnostic assessment available.

With a modular design and friendly test materials, the IDS-2 makes it easy for the practitioner to personalize the testing session for each child.


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    IDS-2 Complete Kit
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Typical uses of the IDS-2 include the identification and diagnosing of intellectual disabilities and learning disorders, as well as the evaluation of cognitive and motor skills.


A global measure designed to identify children's knowledge, strengths and areas for development, the IDS-2 offers the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment available.

Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory

The IDS-2 approach to intelligence uses the CHC theory. Covering verbal and abstract thinking, short and long-memory, and visual processing and processing speed, scores can be calcualted using two, seven on fourteen subtests.


The IDS-2 approach to intelligence uses the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory. Covering verbal and abstract thinking, short and long-memory, and visual processing and processing speed, scores can be calculated using two, seven or fourteen subtests.

Executive Functions

The Executive Functions measured on the IDS-2 are regulation and control processes that enable goal-oriented and situational action. 

Psychomotor Skills

Psychomotor Skills on the IDS-2 encompasses control and function processes, as well as sensory, perceptive, cognitive and motivational processes that are the basis for posture and movement.

Social-emotional skills

Social-emotional Skills measured on the IDS-2 include both identifying and regulating emotions as well as social competence.

Basic Skills

Specific to each country’s school curriculum, Basic Skills in linguistic acquisition, reading, spelling, and logical mathematical reasoning are measured.

Motivation and Attitude

Unique to an intelligence battery, the IDS-2 provides an assessment of conscientiousness and performance motivations of 11- to 20-year old children and adolescents.

Modular Administation

The IDS-2 has a modular design so that each assessment session covers the areas needed in an individual way. Testing times (approximate) are:

Intelligence: IQ screening (10 minutes); IQ general (50 minutes); IQ complete profile (90 minutes).

Executive Functions (30 minutes).

Psychomotor Skills (20 minutes).

Social-emotional Skills (15 minutes).

Basic Skills (according to age 30-60 minutes).

Motivation and Attitude (7 minutes).

Online Scoring

The IDS-2 is scored using the state-of-the-art continuous norming process via the online Hogrefe Test System 5 (HTS 5). Scoring is free of charge (pricing is included with the printed test protocol) and no annual HTS license is required.

Continuous Norming allows for more precise calculations. The IDS-2 provides standardization data at one-month intervals, making printed booklets impossibly large. Hogrefe’s innovative NormViewer technology in HTS 5 provides access to the calculated tables with just a few clicks.

Reliability and Validity

Information on internal consistency and test-retest reliability is available on all languages. Studies are available on construct validity with various assessments (e.g. IDS, WIS-IV), on criterion validity (e.g. with school performance) and on differential validity (e.g. ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, intelligence impairment, exceptional talent) depending on the language.

IDS-2 Case Study - Concerns regarding school progress

IDS-2 White Paper - An overview of Continuous Norming

The IDS-2 is the first global instrument to assess intelligence and development in children and adolescents from 5–21 years.

Purchase your Kit today.

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    IDS-2 Complete Kit
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    Qualification required