Expressive Writing 2: Teacher Presentation Book

ISBN13 : 9780076035885

Author(s) : SRA McGraw-Hill

Publisher : SRA McGraw-Hill, 2005

SKU : 501EXW

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Expressive Writing helps students learn to express ideas by writing sentences, paragraphs, and stories that articulate precisely what the writer wishes to say. The program addresses essential skills with four instructional strands: Mechanics, Sentence Writing, Paragraph and Story Writing, and Editing. In every lesson, students learn to write with:

  • Structure, by writing sentences that first name something and then tell more. Then, by arranging sentences appropriately.
  • Coherence, by relating sentences logically.
  • Unity, by developing well-supported paragraphs.
  • Correct grammar and punctuation, by writing first, then editing, using a self-administered, cumulative Check System.

Use Expressive Writing 2 for students who need to learn to:

  • Write and correctly punctuate compound and complex sentences
  • Use varied sentence types
  • Produce paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion
  • Edit consistently for punctuation, tense agreement, and unclear pronouns
  • Revise to improve structure, coherence, and clarity

The Expressive Writing 2: Teacher Presentation Book includes the scipt for each lesson, directions for presenting mastery tests, an answer key and additional practice blackline masters (BLMs).

SRA McGraw-Hill