CASL-2 Preschool Form (pkg 10)

Author(s) : Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

Publisher : WPS, 2017

SKU : 601CSL

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The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (CASL-2) is the most up-to-date measure of oral language skills available. It offers the flexibility of 14 stand-alone tests in one comprehensive yet specific battery.

For children and young adults ages 3 to 21, the CASL-2 measures spoken language across four structural categories:

  1.         Lexical/Semantic: Knowledge and use of words and word combinations
  2.         Syntactic: Knowledge and use of grammar
  3.         Supralinguistic: Knowledge and use of language in which meaning is not directly available from the surface lexical and syntactic information
  4.         Pragmatic Language: Knowledge of language that is appropriate across different situational contexts and ability to modify language according to the social situation

The CASL-2 Preschool Form (pkg 10) covers the 10 tests that can be used with children ages 3-6 years old.

Using the appropriate form, you record the examinee’s responses by hand. Across the 10 tests, suggested Start Items allow you to skip the items that are not applicable to the individual’s age. Consistent basal and ceiling rules (four correct items in a row and four incorrect items in a row, respectively) save you time by making it easy to remember when you can stop an administration.

All CASL-2 Forms provide FREE access to CASL-2 online scoring and reporting features (available through the WPS Online Evaluation System)

To access the online scoring and reporting, you will need to register for a WPS Online Evaluation System account.

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Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk

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